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Thank you so much for your prompt reply. It really clears up some things for me. I'm so excited to find your website. I'm just starting to get into seriously studying the Bible and am thirsting for the study tools. This will be very helpful to me. God Bless & Thank you.
Just a comment today! Thank you very much for this website. I will teach an 8 week course in foundations this summer and chapter one will help me start them out right. Bless you!
Hi my Bible Friend: I am so pleased to have met you through the internet. You have been so helpful to me and my sister. We really have learned a lot from your mailbox. I hope one day to have a fraction of what you know. I really enjoy the Scripture 2 Timothy 2:15
J Daniels.
Thank you for the hint. I'll take a look. And I'll be happy to share your site with everyone I know. It's very interesting.
Great job, and a good tool for the ministry, thank you.
Felix G.
Thank you for your response. Your comments were much appreciated as I begin
my spring studies.
Thank you for your help! and I will pass on the website.
Thanks so much for all of your help on this matter. I have never heard this
word before and wanted to get the proper meaning of the word. I did not want
to misunderstand what I was reading. Thanks Again...
Thank you very much, you helped me a lot.
WOW!!!!!! I thank you for being so honest with me. I will go research the inquiry. I don't want to take away from the real reason the Bible was written. I have been a Christian for years but I never really got in to the Word. I just went to church on Sunday then put my Bible in a drawer and left it till the next. I just recently started to get back into the Word and I feel that since I know the Salvation Plan to share with others that I needed to dig into more deeper aspects of the Bible. I will look into the scriptures and publications and see what I can come up with. (Not forgetting what the true meaning of the Bible was meant for) -Regards,
I totally agree. I am a fairly new Christian and I want to learn as much as possible. I have gotten so many conflicting answers from so many people, pastors included. I really appreciate your site. It is truly a blessing to have someone teach the BIBLE, plain and simple. Thank You
I agree with you one hundred percent. ...I was looking for a confirming opinion to help me out when witnessing in the future. Thanks for responding. The information was quite helpful. I need all the help I can get from Sincere Christians who are dedicated to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. May God continue to bless your ministry.
C. Rogers
Thank you for such a quick reply to my question. I am thankful to our lord Jesus for people like you who will take the time to answer questions about these things that would other wise be to difficult to understand. thank you again your friend in Christ!
I have an opportunity to teach some aspiring young ministers and I want to teach them how to run an exegesis. Thank you...
Thank you for taking the time to share with me all the info, and especially the two books you referred to. I shall purchase them and put together an outline for teaching the younger fellows how to study and prepare messages from what they find. May God bless you for your time.
Thank you very much for your responses. ... I think that your website is awesome, and helpful for everyone. I'm very glad that I had another resource to use and still have... Sometimes its the basic stuff that gets me confused!!! Thanks again, and happy holidays!
That is fantastic! I really appreciate your reply. My dad...said this to me during one of our conversations last week. I am trying to find out the meaning.
I just want to tell you I appreciate your web site and thanks for the information. God bless
I thank you for the information from your efforts and the empowerment to be able to future gleaning because of your help. I will be sure to spread the word in my circle of friends about the help you have been. God bless you and may He keep you in all your ways.
Thank you for writing up such a coherent outline and explanation of Bible reading-interpretation... I thought it was clear and very edifying... I have thought on these points myself, but here I see you have them put down in words better than I ever had... Please continue... blessings in Christ...
Thank you so much for the time, effort and heartfelt love that you poured into constructing this wonder web page. I pray that the Lord will richly bless you and all who read it! -In Christ's Love...
Please keep in touch. I am a senior citizen who is interested in learning about the origins of the Israel people as well as the origins of the Christian church. Since I am Jewish ,there are very few people with whom I can communicate. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Your comments on the how to and why we need to of bible interpretation are excellent tools for a person who is just beginning to study the word of the lord. It's so simple, so basic. God bless you for them.
Finally someone gives me an answer. Thanks a lot and God bless.
I believe I've fallen in love with this site! Thanks for compiling quality data for common review.
I would first like to say that I am grateful that you have created this website. It has been helpful to me.
I stumbled across this website and I think it is a marvelous tool. My husband and I are new Christians and are trying to study the Bible and read it with understanding. This site has helped us tremendously because you explain very thoroughly how to dig in and get the big picture using all resources-commentaries, dictionaries etc.... This is a wonderful website full of down to earth explanations. I have researched some of it and know it is based on Biblical theology and study. May God continue to bless you as you teach others how to properly study the Bible
P Ivy
Your info on interpretation is very much appreciated as I'm the deacon of Christian Education at our church...I have been seeking a way to teach hermeneutics in a concise, easy, to understand way. Thank you for the time and effort you put into this site to help all understand God's Word
I'm really enjoying reading the material at your site! I'm preparing to begin a master's program over the Internet at a Christian university, and need to get ready to apply the Bible in my course work. Your site is an excellent introduction. Can the material on your web site be used as a basis for a Sunday school class? Have you or anyone else done this? How would you recommend proceeding with this idea? Seems to me like lots of people in our church need this kind of teaching!! Thanks for all your hard work!
This is the first time that I have seen your website and wish to begin a bible study on my own. I find the study example of I Peter very interesting and that it assisted greatly. I look forward to more study aids.